Gaming Monitors vs Gaming TVs - Which is Better?

July 15, 2021

As a gamer, nothing beats the feeling of playing your favorite game on a good display. With so many display options available in the market, it can be challenging to choose the best one for you. In this article, we'll compare Gaming Monitors vs Gaming TVs to help you decide which one is better.

Response Time

Response time is the amount of time a pixel takes to change from one color to another. Response time is crucial for gamers as it affects the speed of your game. Gaming Monitors have a faster response time of 1ms to 5ms compared to Gaming TVs which have a response time of 10ms to 30ms. This means that gaming monitors can display fast-paced scenes more accurately with less ghosting, making them a better choice for competitive gamers.

Input Lag

Input lag is the delay between pressing a button on your controller and its representation on the screen. In gaming, low input lag is crucial as it helps you respond more quickly to in-game events. Gaming Monitors have a lower input lag of 1ms to 15ms compared to Gaming TVs, which have an input lag of 20ms to 100ms. This means that gaming monitors can display your actions more accurately, giving you an advantage in competitive games.


Gaming TVs come in larger sizes compared to gaming monitors. This makes gaming TVs a great choice for those who want a more immersive experience. Additionally, Gaming TVs are sometimes more affordable compared to Gaming Monitors, especially if you already have one in your living room. However, if you're playing competitive games, a smaller screen size can be an advantage as it allows you to see the entire screen without moving your eyes.

Refresh Rate

Refresh rate is the number of times a display updates per second. A higher refresh rate means smoother gameplay with less motion blur. Gaming Monitors have a higher refresh rate of 120Hz to 360Hz compared to Gaming TVs, which have a refresh rate of 60Hz to 120Hz. This means that gaming monitors can display more frames per second, giving you a competitive advantage in fast-paced games.


In conclusion, both gaming monitors and gaming TVs have their advantages and disadvantages when it comes to gaming. Gaming Monitors are a better choice for competitive gamers due to their faster response time and lower input lag, while Gaming TVs are a great choice for those who want a larger screen size and a more immersive experience. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference and your gaming needs.

We hope this article has been helpful. Let us know in the comments below which one you prefer and why.


  1. Response Time
  2. Input Lag
  3. Refresh Rate

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